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Hallandales Inc. has been in business ince 1982 and we have enjoyed working with our customers throughout the years.
Currently we have a lot to show you. Products, Web sites we've built, and projects we've put together.

Aero Power Supply
Tired of having your iPad and USB powered devices going dead while in flight, even though you are plugged into a USB power adaptor. The "off the shelf" USB power adaptors do not put out the needed 3.0 amps needed to keep the batteries charged and run the devices, and some of them radiate a spurious signal which produces noise in your radios.
Click on Aero Power Supply on the left for full details.

Aero 3D Printed Products
We have developed some cool accessories for your airplane that are 3D printed.
Click on 3D Printed Products on the left for full details.
Aero Laser Engraved Services
We have recently aquired a laser engraver for creating placards, mic phone jacks, etc.

Click on Laser Engraved Services on the left for full details.
Aero Laser Engraved Products
Check out the cool laser engraved products, like ceramic tile engravings, coasters, canvas art, etc.

Click on Laser Engraved Products on the left for full details.

Web Sites
We have been building web sites since the Internet was created. First using only HTML, then helpful programs like Adobe Web Builder came along, then PHP, MySQL, Dreamweaver and now NetBeans.

Dreamweaver let us all down when they would not support the folks that bought their program, now they charge a high monthly fee. If you are a developer like me I suggest you look into NetBeans.

So there's been a vast improvement in the last 30 + years. A lot of the web sites we built years ago are no longer in existence as companies come and go. The longest running web site we still host and maintain is VenComSales.com.

Click on Web Sites on the left to view links to our currently hosted web site clients.

Micro-Computer Projects
When we started out life as Engineeers we had to hard wire every component, in order to build a device that sensed something, then responded to do something. This usually took a long time putting all the components together, with a lot of proof of concept and testing. (Note: sometimes we got into trouble when two components got too close to each other on the circuit board.) Now we hook it up and tell the microcomuter what to do based on sensed data. Cool !!

Click on "Micro-Computer Projects" on the left to view projects we have done.
Written by Gary A. Eisert
Copyright © Hallandales Inc. 1982 - 2024 All rights reserved
Blending Traditional Concepts with Computer Technology
Visitor 301210 since January 1st, 2009