Hallandales Inc. has been incorporated since 1982 and specializes in producing fine, user friendly software products, appealing Web Sites and microcomputer hardware projects.
After many years of consulting and custom programming, our experience has taken us into every realm of business activities, from inventory management to shop floor control, from accounting to point of sale, from electronics engineering to hydraulic flow analysis, and the list goes on. We have experience in almost every computer language and operating system: Pascal, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, Java, Appgen,HTML, ASP, ASPX, XTML, Unix, Windows, .NET, etc.
In the last few years we are enjoying the breakthrough in electronics that the Arduino and Raspberry Pi has provided and the fun of 3D printing.
Before we had to hard code a sensor input to control a output with timers to control the events, now we simply program the latest microcomputer to do it all.
Latest languages are PHP for web site MySQL work, Python for the Raspberry Pi and Arduino C for the Arduino.
In the olden days we had to build the mounting plates and chassis to put a project together. Now I create the object in Fusion 360 and print it on my Blue Eagle Labs Delta 3D printer. How cool it that !
If you take a look at some of our projects you'll see the results.